Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here is Baby Winnett at 9 weeks, 3 days!!!!! Since this picture, Baby has grown fingernails, toenails, and even hair folicles!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ultrasound 2

Yesterday we had our second ultrasound. It was amazing! Last time we saw a fuzzy line, but this time we could see baby's head, arms, legs, hands, feet, and even fingers and toes! And baby didn't stop moving the entire time. It was so amazing to be able to see what baby was doing, I just didn't want it to end. I could have spent all day watching baby's every move.

But it had to end, so I'll have to wait another 8 months before I can just watch baby all day long. They did move my due date up a few days to June 17th, so that helps.

And yes, I still plan to scan the ultrasound pics in, I've just got to get to a scanner!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Funny Dream...

The other day I was thinking that Grant and I are going to need to buy a camcorder so we can record baby's every move and put it on YouTube for you all to watch. Grant wasn't around when I was thinking about it, but I remembered when we were in church and I leaned over and told him we need to buy a camcorder. He asked why, but I didn't want to talk during service so I told him we'd talk about it later. But I forgot. That night I had a dream.....

Our baby had just been born a couple of days before (no, I don't know if it was a boy or girl), and for some reason I was at an overnight youth retreat without Grant. Apparently when I'm dreaming, I'm insane. Anyways, the baby started to crawl and I was devistated because Grant wasn't there so he was missing our baby crawling for the first time and I didn't even have a camcorder to record it! Then the most amazing thing happened. The baby stood up and started walking. I was even more devistated. I mean, our baby is practically grown up at this point, and Grant missed the whole thing. All because we didn't buy a camcorder.

I'm going to go research camcorders now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A few things I've noticed about TV....

1. It's very emotional. I find myself tearing up even at sitcoms.

2. Everybody on television seems to be drinking a glass of red wine. And thereby taunting me.