Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tickling Abela

Abela has been laughing when we tickle her, so we tried to tickle her for the camera. She wouldn't really laugh, but the video is pretty cute.

Friday, June 19, 2009

baby room 2

Here's a new video of the baby room. The dresser is here and set up now, and it's easier to see because the light is better!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

baby room

We made a video of the baby's room, but I couldn't get it to post here, so you have to follow the link to youtube. It's our first video with the new camcorder, and we took it at night so it's kind of dark. We may take a new one, but I thought I should put it up right away in case I don't have time to make another one before I go into labor!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

more pics

So, I'm definitely getting bigger! Less than 5 weeks until my due date.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Last night I watched part of the "Laugh and Learn about Labor and Delivery" DVD with Grant. Now, by "watched with Grant" I mean that I watched it and he worked on his laptop and swore he was also paying attention to the DVD.

Anyways, I must have gone to sleep with labor and delivery on my mind, because I had the weirdest dream....

In my dream I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.... and then another beautiful baby girl.... and then a beautiful baby boy. I kept telling the doctor that this wasn't possible because at every ultra-sound I'd had, they had told me there was definitely only one baby in there! I was pretty panicked. I knew we didn't have enough of anything for three babies, and I kept saying, "Three babies won't fit in one stroller! How are we going to go for walks?!" That was pretty much my primary concern. Well, that and the fact that Grant and I were arguing about what to name the other two babies.

But then things got even crazier when I went back into labor and gave birth to four little four year old boys. The good news is that I was able to deliver all seven children naturally and with out too much pain!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Here are the most current preggo pics. We just took them today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have a funny story that my mom said I should write down somewhere. What better place than on my blog to share with all of you!

After the ultrasound on Thursday, Grant and I went to Babies R Us and started our registry. We were walking past the diaper aisle and he suggested that we register for diapers, so we did. I told him just to tag two boxes of size one diapers and two boxes of size two and he looked at me like I was crazy. He said, "Two boxes! There are 120 diapers in each box. There's no way we'll go through two boxes in each size!" I just stopped right there and hugged him and told him I'm so sorry. He's going to be very surprised at the amount of diapers the baby uses.
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It's a Girl!!

Well, we had our 3D ultrasound last Thursday and baby was cooperative right from the start. We got video, pictures, and a detailed explanation of how they could tell that we're having a girl! The ultrasound was so fun (besides the fact that the sonostream didn't work - sorry Grandmas). She was moving around quite a bit, but no matter what I did she wouldn't move her one arm out of the front of her face so we didn't get a really clear face shot, but we could still tell that she's the most beautiful baby girl ever!

She looked very comfy and cozy. For a while she was laying with her legs up in the air and crossed at the ankles, and then she was playing with her feet. I can't wait to play with her.
At one point you could clearly see her kick me! Which is further proof to my husband that I'm not just having gas. It was pretty crazy for me to get to watch her moving and kicking on the screen and feel it at the same time. Now when I feel her moving, I can picture her in my head and it makes me smile. Except when she's kicking me in the bladder. That doesn't make me smile. That hurts.

Everyone is asking about names, and we're pretty decided about the first name, but still arguing about.... I mean discussing, the middle name. However, you'll just have to wait to find out because it's going to be a surprise. We won't be announcing it until she's born! I can tell you that we are not naming her Razor.


Sunday, February 1st...
The day I woke up and looked in the mirror and thought "Oh my goodness I look totally pregnant." Grant also looked at me that morning and said, "Wow, you look pregnant."

Saturday, March 14th...
The first time Grant felt the baby move! That was really exciting for me. Especially since I feel her move all the time these days and he tries to tell me that it's gas (which feels nothing like the baby moving and kicking me).

Thursday, March 19th...
The day we found out that we're having a girl!!!! But I'll blog about that separately. That subject deserves it's own blog.

Friday, January 30, 2009

20 weeks down..... 20 to go.

Wednesday was 20 weeks, which means I am officially half way through my pregnancy! It really has seemed to go by quickly, but another 20 weeks seems like an eternity sometimes. I felt my first little baby flutters last night. And then I went to sleep and had a dream that I was holding and rocking the baby for the longest time. When I woke up I was very happy.

We should be able to find out if Baby is a boy or girl sometime this month. We'll let you all know as soon as we do.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So, here are the pics of me at 4 1/2 months pregnant (last week).