Friday, October 31, 2008


To all of my friends and family who wonder why they aren't hearing from me - it's not personal, It's just that I feel like I'm dying. Simple things like talking, walking, eating, drinking and sleeping are now incredibly painful and difficult. But enough whining from me, I'm apparently not the first woman to experience these pregnancy syptoms anyways. Somebody recently told me that you forget all of this eventually, which must be true. Otherwise, why would any sane woman have more than one child. On to the fun news.....

I had my first ultrasound on Tuesday and there is a very tiny baby in my tummy. The baby was all snuggled into the side of my uterus, so it was difficult to get a good picture, but we could see the heart beating really well. That was pretty exciting. I'm about 6 1/2 weeks along with a due date of June 20th. When I can get to a scanner, I'll post the ultrasound picture. It's fun to play find the tiny baby in the fuzzy picture!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I could cry, this is so exciting...