Saturday, April 4, 2009


Last night I watched part of the "Laugh and Learn about Labor and Delivery" DVD with Grant. Now, by "watched with Grant" I mean that I watched it and he worked on his laptop and swore he was also paying attention to the DVD.

Anyways, I must have gone to sleep with labor and delivery on my mind, because I had the weirdest dream....

In my dream I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.... and then another beautiful baby girl.... and then a beautiful baby boy. I kept telling the doctor that this wasn't possible because at every ultra-sound I'd had, they had told me there was definitely only one baby in there! I was pretty panicked. I knew we didn't have enough of anything for three babies, and I kept saying, "Three babies won't fit in one stroller! How are we going to go for walks?!" That was pretty much my primary concern. Well, that and the fact that Grant and I were arguing about what to name the other two babies.

But then things got even crazier when I went back into labor and gave birth to four little four year old boys. The good news is that I was able to deliver all seven children naturally and with out too much pain!