Thursday, April 4, 2013

"You wipe my butt so good mom." - Abela

That's what a compliment sounds like from my 3 1/2 year old.

What compliments do you get??

I'm baaaaaaack.....

Hooray!  I've finally figured out how to log back into my blog.  I'm practically an IT expert now.

I've been planning this comeback for a few years now.
And today is the day.
So get ready.
I'm going to be blogging about my girls :)

I don't expect this to be the blog that takes the country by storm, but I imagine my mom will be following it pretty closely.  With our family living so far away and my inability to keep up with a baby book at all I think this will be a great place to record my girls every adorable comment for all to see.

And then I don't have to spend as much time going through Facebook and looking for all of my posts about my girls and copying them into baby books to pretend I was one of those amazing moms who kept up with a baby book.  I can just copy it all from my blog.  That will be easier.  When I get around to it.  Hopefully before my children know to ask about baby books.

But I've got nothing cute to report today.  Sorry.  It's still early and I'm drinking my first cup of coffee while Talia watches "Team Umi Zoomi" (that's a cartoon about mighty math powers so I can feel less guilty about letting Talia watch TV first thing in the morning) and Abela sleeps (just like her dad- she would stay up all night and sleep all day if I let her).

But don't worry.  I will be back to report the endless adorable things my girls are doing and to omit the parts that make me look like a less than perfect mother.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tickling Abela

Abela has been laughing when we tickle her, so we tried to tickle her for the camera. She wouldn't really laugh, but the video is pretty cute.

Friday, June 19, 2009

baby room 2

Here's a new video of the baby room. The dresser is here and set up now, and it's easier to see because the light is better!